About us

FlyWheel Staffing has many years of experience in the field of commercial truck driving so we know what it takes to build a career. We will help build on your skills so that you’ll be able to perform at a level that is expected of you. With us on your side, this will be accomplished. We are in search of class A and class B drivers to join our team. We work to the best of our ability to help you shine and to keep our client’s businesses going.

When it comes to carrying heavy and wide loads across the country, there are many regulations and standard procedures that need to be followed. Specifically, you need to make sure a licensed driver is behind the wheel. A FlyWheel Staffing driver is experienced and trained in driving trucks and heavy loads. They can handle any kind of situation and know exactly how to maneuver a large truck.

With on-demand access to our large and growing personnel database, our team will make sure that you get the right match. Whether you need drivers for a day, a month, or the long term, you can count on us to find you the perfect candidate. Our staffing agency carefully screens each driver candidate to verify their qualifications and experience. When your company hires a truck driver from our agency, they are hand-picked and prepared for their first day on the job.

Ready To Get Started? Let Us Help You Meet Your Workforce Needs.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)